SIR - When I switched my PC on today, I was reminded that there are only seven days to smoke-free Britain.

Having smoked since I was at school and stopped some 20 years ago at the age of 50, I have sympathy with smokers. Yes, I suffered withdrawals and it was hell, with no substitute at the time to help.

Mind you, I tried sweets as a substitute, to no avail. Finally I cut out coffee and beer, as these were the lead in to the smoking urge.

It worked for me and I hope it will help those who wish to stop smoking. The nicotine substitute, in whatever form, is not the answer, merely another way to keep smokers hooked on these expensive alternatives.

The Government helps other drug addicts but the poor smoker gets cold turkey.

Incidentally, I have the occasional coffee although I can take it or leave it. I do however enjoy a beer with no wish for a smoke.

Trevor Williams-Berry, Bredon Avenue, Wrose