SIR - I see China has at last replaced the States on CO2 emissions.

What will Keith Thomson make of that and the fact that China has no intention of making any reductions until its people are as wealthy as those of the West?

Indian leaders say the West's request for them to cut their emissions won't wash. Maybe they will be awash if KT's dire predictions are realised.

Lastly, I have not heard that our planet is going to be destroyed by global warming. Its inhabitants, like the dinosaurs previously, yes, but not the planet and its satellite.

Some sceptics might say we deserve it.

The way we behave towards one another might be thought to justify our obliteration, but we should alter our ways to try to save other innocent forms of life, even cows that burp and do other things too much.

Philip Bird, Nab Wood Terrace, Shipley