SIR - How I envy A Shipman (T&A, June 19) living in a country with a leader so full of sincerity and integrity, unlike the leader of my country who is as straight as a corkscrew, and as genuine as an Egyptian £7 note.

His country has a health service second to none, mine is short of mid-wives, doctors cannot find jobs, and people have to go to the High Court to obtain life-savings drugs.

No doubt in his country the crime rate is so low that prisons are closing through lack of use. There will be nobody living in poverty or sleeping rough.

I dare bet the armed forces are not over stretched, under manned or ill-equipped. Nor will they ever have been sent to war on the basis of flimsy, concocted intelligence.

I do hope, in some further communication, Mr Shipman will reveal the location of the country he inhabits, it is certainly hot Britain!

J L Sutcliffe, Crow Tree Close, Baildon