SIR - A Shipman (T&A, June 19) thanks Blair for "giving us our country back". Where's he from? Scotland, Wales or Ulster perhaps?

Blair and his Scottish colleagues have done very little for England, while all the other parts of the UK have been given millions more than us.

We now discover that unelected Scotsman, Lord Faulkner, is to release hundreds of felons from English (not Scottish) jails.

This is on top of all the other anti-English actions of this government.

No doubt Blair, like Brown, a product of expensive private Fettes Academy in Edinburgh, will be given some highly paid sinecure (just like the Kinnock family) when he retires.

This, on top of huge pension increases which MPs gave themselves, and which certainly have not been earned.

Maybe he and fellow Blair fan G Tasker inhabit cloud cuckoo land? Perhaps they can explain why I haven't noticed a 30 per cent increase in my pension' (according to G Tasker).

Still, I am English, have worked and paid tax all my life. So, was it taken in stealth taxes, to fund Blair's wars, free services for immigrants, MPs' perks, Scottish pensioners' concessions or criminals' compensation payments?

Anyone, but English tax payers.

D Murgatroyd, Briarwood Drive, Wibsey