SIR - We write with deep concern and grief about killing and persecution by Christians and other minorities in Pakistan under the misused Blasphemy Law.

We would particularly like to draw your attention to the 700 families in Tank, Charsada and Mardan in the North West Frontier of Pakistan. They received written deaths in the first week of May 2007 that they must convert to Islam or face death.

Christians are coming repeatedly under attack from the Muslim extremists, religious groups and terrorists. Recently a bill was handed over to the National Assembly in Pakistan seeking the death penalty for those who are converting from Islam to other religions.

On May 1, an 11-year-old Christian boy Daniel Masih, his father and three other family members were put under the Blasphemy Law.

According to Father Bonnie Mendes a Catholic, "the allegation is false. The reason is that the Christian family had a quarrel with Muslim family and they blamed for Blasphemy."

We urge the UK Government, people and church leaders to ask the government of Pakistan to abolish the Blasphemy, Hadood, Shariat Laws and Sharia Courts as they are oppressive, and strongly contravene the International standards of justice and Human Rights so that innocent people are not abused, tortured, persecuted and killed in the name of Islam.

G Dutt, Pakistan Asian Christian Welfare Association Bradford