SIR - May I thank you for pointing me in the direction (T&A, May 14) of the excellent book All For a Laugh by local author Mick Crossley with his co-writer Barry Band.

The detail on so many well-loved laughter-makers who've amused us over the years was most impressive. I especially enjoyed their catchphrases like Jimmy Wheeler's "Ay, ay! That's yer lot" with which he bowed out.

If only contemporary comedians like Tony "Regular kinda guy" Blair, pictured right on a visit to Sierra Leone, had done the same thing instead of embarking on a cringe-making legacy-seeking farewell tour!

Didn't Macbeth say something about "twere well done quickly" and he was a Scot. Now there's a funny thing! (Max Miller).

Sid Brown, Glenhurst Road, Shipley