SIR - In many areas of Bradford, probably along with the rest of the UK, the peace and quiet of residents is regularly affected by noise nuisance from quad bikes being driven on the public highway.

My own locality of Lower Manningham is no exception. Many of these quad bikes, while essentially agricultural vehicles, are ostensibly road-legal, having a registration plate, road tax and, hopefully, valid insurance.

However, even though they may be "legal" in other respects, most of them are certainly illegal in respect of the level of noise they produce. No new laws are needed to address this issue.

As a motorcyclist with nearly 30 years experience, I am aware that laws already exist which govern the decibel level of all road vehicles. It is simply a case of implementing the existing laws.

Why aren't the police doing this? I would recommend to anyone affected by such nuisance, to note the registration number of the offending vehicle, perhaps also noting the time and street-name, and report it to the police, pointing out that the vehicle seems to be illegally loud.

If the police receive enough complaints they will be forced to implement the law.

Trevor N Wood, off Queen's Road, Manningham