SIR - Information on recycling is not very clear. Initially we were told junk mail could be put in the paper recycling bin but not the envelopes.

Then it leaked through to some, but not all, that envelopes were acceptable, providing any windows were removed.

Now in On The Spot (T&A, May 24) Gerry McDermott says the windows do not need to be removed from white envelopes, which implies that coloured envelopes are not acceptable and much of junk mail is coloured.

As mail order catalogues can be recycled, I cannot see the sense in it. If the Council ever intends to charge for non-recyclable waste, it had better get its act together and make the dos and don'ts clear and simple.

He says the UK does not have the facilities for dealing with certain types of waste that other countries have, then it would be scandalous even to think of extra charges.

Philip Bird, Nab Wood Terrace, Shipley