SIR - This week is Adult Learners Week. It is ironic Bradford College had to announce the virtual complete closure of its adult education provision on the eve of this national celebration of adult education in all its rich variety.

Bradford College's splendid community programme involved some 944 classes two years ago, attracting more than 8,000 enrolments, contributing significantly to individual and community development in the area.

This September that programme will effectively disappear due, we are told, to cuts in government funding.

A few classes will survive, and there are proposals to run self-financing classes at £4 per hour. That's £240 for one class of two hours per week for three terms, with no concessions. If you were in receipt of benefit this year, that course would have been free.

I thought this Government was making a big thing about narrowing the gap between rich and poor.

Can someone explain how this proposal does that?

I understand Bradford College is organising a petition available at local adult education centres, and would urge everyone interested in trying to save this service to sign.

Write also to Alan Johnson, Education Secretary, Gordon Brown, PM elect, and your MP.

Martin Russell, Station Road, Burley-in-Wharfedale