SIR - I wholeheartedly agree with Keith Rayner's views regarding wasting £30 million on the Park in the Heart.

I, for one, didn't fill in the questionnaire as to whether or not it was a good idea, mainly because there were no questions that answered what I wanted to say ie don't want it, don't need it, and not in my name or with my Council money.

It's time the Bradford Council tackled the real problems of why the city is on a downward spiral and it's nothing to do with not having a park, water feature or any other pie in the sky idea in the centre.

To make people want to come to Bradford you first of all have to stop the ones here leaving in droves or at least listen to their reasons for fleeing.

I guarantee not one will say because there's no park or lake in the city centre.

Jenny Sampson, Rossmore Drive, Allerton