SIR - The damage to Frizinghall Station took place over a period of three days last week.

I discovered the initial damage to the shelter on Platform 2 and reported the matter to Northern Rail who immediately contacted the British Transport Police.

Unhappily, the further extensive damage to the shelters on both platforms took place before any successful attempt to catch the vandals in the act.

I earlier reported the fact that youths gather in the shelters at Frizinghall Station of an evening. That is actually a specific reporting detail which volunteer Station Adopters, under Northern Rail's monitoring scheme, are asked to supply.

One cannot accuse people with criminal offences without proof. Nevertheless, those - of whatever age - who have no legitimate business at a railway station simply should not be there, whether or not they go on to commit acts of vandalism.

The British Transport Police run a poster campaign which says, "If you've no business at the station, we'll make it ours."

I urge the BTP, as a first step, to clear Frizinghall Station of these habitual evening loiterers.

Robin Sisson, Station Adopter (Frizinghall), Helen Street, Saltaire