SIR - Thank you for publishing my vision for our city (In My View, T&A, May 3) but you omitted some constructive suggestions: allocate the airport windfall to refurbish the Odeon - at a time when the Council seeks City of Film accreditation they plan to demolish a major asset; do what our City forefathers once planned and construct a viaduct to join up the stations funded out of the £90m weekly Government spend on rail; add a Park at the Heart with underground parking in Forster Square where we already have the ramp!

Better transport links, the Tesco development in Canal Road, delegates from Abu Dhabi and my view that Westfield's Broadway with its tenanted council offices will never be built were either mislaid or too controversial.

I hope fairness prevails and that publication of this letter will redress the balance. Rather than being counter-productive I actually proposed a way forward. Problems are solved by talking about them, not ignoring the worst, please allow your readers to do just that.

John Pennington, West Riddlesden Hall, Keighley

  • EDITOR'S NOTE: The column was cut because it was too long for the space provided.