SIR - In reply to Eric Firth (T&A, May 1), yes, Mr Firth, spring is indeed a wonderful season and my clear favourite, with not "a" God in sight.

How strange? No, for there is not "a" god, but God, the creator of the world, the sea, the heavens, together with all forms of life contained in them in infinite diversity and levels of complexity.

It is He whom I worship and not the creatures He has made.

We are all interdependent on all the rest and we interfere with God's divine and perfect plan to our detriment.

The sun is indeed a great blessing and a great sustainer of life but not life's creator, it being itself a creation of the creator, God.

But sun alone is not sufficient for without rain we, with all living things, would perish.

I rejoice in the sunlight, enjoy its light and warmth but my worship is for God, its creator.

Vera Ward, Ashbourne Oval, Bradford