Concerns about traffic issues when parents are dropping their children off and picking them up from school are becoming increasingly prevalent.

Parents at Miriam Lord Primary School have become concerned enough to launch a petition calling for action about what they say is a road that is unsafe for children.

And that is in large part due to what they say is ‘inconsiderate and illegal’ parking during the school rush hour, presumably by parents using cars to transport their offspring.

The road, Bavaria Place, is also used as a rat run, though, adding the risk of speeding drivers taking shortcuts to the obstructions and sight issues caused by parked cars.

But despite 148 people signing the petition, councillors are recommending the closure does not go ahead.

There is obviously always an issue of protecting access to the road and simply reacting to the parents concerns without proper consideration would not be wise.

However, safety should come first, particularly of children, and that has to be the first consideration for the Council.

Of course, it would be much better if drivers showed more consideration and did not park illegally and dangerously, and did not bomb through rat-runs at reckless speeds.

However, that is down to motorists’ attitudes, and they are simply not going to change overnight.

If restricting or closing off this road would have a significant impact on potential risk to children, then the Council must look closely at doing that.

Until attitudes change, enforcement and restrictions are sadly the only way to reduce the risk to our children’s safety on the roads – and their lives.