Any cuts which effect particularly vulnerable groups should only ever be considered as a last resort, and Bradford Council must think very carefully before it reduces the amount of children with special needs or disabilities it can transport to school.

There is no doubt that local authorities have a very difficult balancing act in trying to make ends meet with reduced Government funding and there should be no area completely off the table.

But to cause extra problems for families who already have significant difficulties to deal with is something that will cause many people concern.

There are certain parts of the consultation on the school transport budget, such as encouraging more sharing of journeys, where it can be done safely.

But regardless of spending cuts, there are certain services that should be protected.

Parents with vulnerable children need all the help they can get, and to consider reducing the number of children who would be eligible for such transportation will undoubtedly mean some of those families will be hit.

The Council has to be realistic, and must be fiscally sensible with its budgeting, but surely there are other areas of expenditure that can be cut before parents who have children with special needs or disabilities are in the firing line.

Hopefully the Council will take note of the number of comments that have been made during this consultation objecting to the idea, and re-consider where it makes savings.

This would be a highly unpopular and ultimately unwise cut that will affect some of the most needy members of our society.