SIR – It is curious that Peter Finan should regard Ukip as an intolerant party and rejoices at their apparent rejection by the people of Bradford, ( Letters, May 14).

Firstly, over 28,000 people in the Bradford Metropolitan District voted for UKIP, and over 26,000 in the five parliamentary constituencies.

These are significant numbers and it is only the nature of our present electoral system which has denied Ukip legitimate representation based on these local figures, without even considering the national results whereby nearly 3.9 million voted for the party.

It would seem that Mr Finan would regard any legitimate concerns regarding immigration and sensible policies designed to control numbers as racist and a manifestation of bigotry and intolerance.

To many people Ukip best represents the traditional values of British society, many of which have been lost in the wake of the so-called progressive agenda.

Alec Suchi, Allerton Road, Bradford