SIR – I am so pleased that the photograph of Mike Harding (T&A, May 9) shows him to be so well and contented.

It must be almost 30 years ago that I was in the packed audience which he entertained at the St George’s Hall and can still remember two of his stories.

One related to the then current trend of eating in the garden and having the toilet in the house,whereas in his youth one ate in the house and toileted in the garden.

The other concerned his Eastern European father, who when his car broke down with a leaking radiator problem in the Piccadilly centre of Manchester, caused much consternation to the attending proper policeman, by apparently feeding it with raw eggs.

Like nylon stockings as a fanbelt, they actually worked!

I am sure that a comedy reprise and even some of his music would go down very well.

John Pashley, Westcliffe Avenue, Baildon