SIR – So, by whatever means and for whatever reasons, we will be governed for the next five years by the Conservative Party.

Personally, the thought frightens me, not for myself but for others; however, we live in a democracy and that’s life.

I feel for Ed Miliband because, for all his faults, I think his heart is in the right place, but he was not surrounded by quality politicians within his team.

Anyway, what’s done is done and we need to accept the situation and make the best of it.

What will interest me more than anything is where Messrs Cameron and Osborne will lay the blame for any failures this time around.

The next 12 months will make for interesting viewing and without little Nick swinging on their coat tails, just how far will they go in their quest to squeeze the poor of this country?

I can foresee that they will run down the NHS until it is totally unviable, before selling it off to the highest bidder (at a bargain price à la Royal Mail) Build more houses? More WORKHOUSES may be more appropriate.

Good luck, everyone.

Colin Durkin, Moffat Close, Bradford