SIR - I am writing to tell you about a massive problem with traffic that “rat runs” through from Dudley Hill and Cutler Heights Lane on to the Holme Wood Estate and eventually on to Holme Lane before it finally rejoins Tong Street.

This has been going on for quite some time now and we in the neighbourhood have had enough.

While trying to return from a journey via Tong Street I was met with a wall of traffic on approach to my home at the top of Tong Street. I had to wait for 15 minutes to join the queue and then slowly feed myself to the outside of my own property.

Once I had finally arrived I was shocked to realise that I could not open my own car door because another driver had parked right alongside me waiting in the queueing traffic.

The issue starts approximately 4pm everyday weekday and ends sometimes around 6.30pm. Not only is this an issue but Safety of pedestrians is also an issue as there are cars everywhere. Some even try to overtake to find a faster route via the other streets.

SR Verity, Holme Lane, Tong Street, Bradford