SIR – Hilary Benn MP the Shadow Local Government Secretary has made a proclamation that the next Labour government will retain the Coalition’s cap on council tax. This will stir the wrath of northern council leaders and public sector trade unions that are the main fund providers for his Party.

Labour Party prophesying financial responsibility, especially in the public sector, gosh! Hell must be freezing over.

He also stated that the “bedroom tax”, a slang word for the under-occupancy charge, was fundamentally unfair and Labour would abolish it, if they form the next government.

If it is fundamentally unfair for public sector rented housing, was it not equally unfair when the last Labour government applied the same to tenants of the private sector, remember Hilary Benn was a minister?

Will a future Labour administration also repeal that which they imposed on privately rented homes?

Thus treating all rented domestic accommodation the same, as the recent Coalition Government has done?

Is this yet another case of Socialist hypocrisy?

Alan Chapman, Beck Lane, Bingley