One of the biggest challenges Bradford faces is finding work for the high number of young people unable to find work in the district.

That is why the 150 new apprenticeships set to be created by Yorkshire Building Society Group – most of which will be in the city – are an important boost for the area.

Although normally associated with more traditional trades, the YBS is creating a pioneering mortgage underwriting apprenticeship, along with other customer-focussed training schemes.

With more and more people considering apprenticeships after leaving school, this offers an alternative route into the growing financial sector than continuing with education and coming into it after graduation.

This scheme allows the YBS to create highly-skilled young trainees who don't need to rack up years of student debt before starting work.

As we report today, one of the most senior members of the YBS management team worked her way up through the ranks after starting in a lowly clerical role.

Tanya Jackson, head of corporate affairs, says the new apprenticeships offer a more structured route into the industry, but could potentially open up the same level of opportunities for those who take them up.

Whatever happens in the General Election, there is evidence that the economy has turned a corner, and it is vital our district capitalises on it and doesn't allow the talents of our young people to be wasted out of work.

This sort of initiative, along with schemes like the Council's Get Bradford Working campaign and our own Foundation for Jobs, must continue to support employers willing and able to create working opportunities, especially for young people.

The YBS scheme is a great template for other organisations and companies to follow.