SIR – The Conservative party-supporting media and some Tories themselves are playing a duplicitous game at the moment, with regard to the SNP and its leader, Nicola Sturgeon.

For example, Edwina Currie writing in the Daily Mail described Ms Sturgeon’s performance in the TV leaders’ debate as “a welcome trend” and the Daily Telegraph acclaimed her as “Queen of Scots.”

However, another right-wing paper described her as “a dangerous woman” and Conservative ministers have warned of the dire consequences for the UK of success for the SNP.

This dual approach of praise and condemnation from the same political camp, depending on the audience, has a specific purpose.

While the Conservatives accept their chances of success in Scotland are slim, they hope the SNP will damage Labour and deprive them of many seats.

The SNP and its leader getting positive publicity, increases its chances of attracting voters in Scotland.

However, in England, fear is used in describing a future scenario where the SNP gives a minority Labour Government any kind of support to gain and hold power.

Yet a number of parties eg Labour, the Greens and the SNP share enough progressive policies to find common ground to govern in the interests of the whole of Britain.

David Hornsby, West View Avenue, Wrose