SIR – There will be many opinions about the seven party leaders’ debate, my version is as follows. Farage and Cameron came out as strong, Clegg and Miliband looked weak, Sturgeon came fifth, plus the also rans.

I noted that the three minor parties’ had female leaders, I wonder if there is any relevance in this fact? Two of whom are not standing in the General Election, none could be Prime Minister or Cabinet Ministers.

In their private competition it was a draw between the Greens and the SNP as to which should be renamed as the Communist Party, who are champions of tax, borrow and spend.

First impressions – Nigel Farage looked very strange in his business suit, without a pint and a fag. Does he wear that pinstripe suit just a weddings and funerals?

Ed Miliband looked dreadful in the dull extremely plain grey tie: it fitted his regular lack-lustre performance.

David Cameron acted as the only responsible person due to him being the person who has taken the big decisions, the rest looked from a much lower division, none being suitable to replace him.

Alan Chapman, Beck Lane, Bingley