SIR – You recently published another letter from Bob Watson about the use of section 62 to move on Gipsies and travellers.

He has obviously not read the article in your paper by Chris Tate who outlined the consequences for the council when we did use this power.

Firstly in order for the police to use section 62 there has to be vacancies at a Council site.

The travellers concerned thus moved onto the permanent site at Esholt but did not pay rent or service charges plus there was some anti-social behaviour.

We therefore took them to court to get them evicted but regrettably the courts took the view that by using section 62 we had invited them onto this site and thus they were not trespassers.

It took a number of weeks to sort this situation out and in the meantime the Council had to stand the costs.

This is a Catch 22 situation, as all we are doing is moving the problem and cost onto our permanent site within Bradford. It does not move them out of the area.

It is obvious to me that there is a loophole in the legislation but this is down to the Government to fix.

Cllr Val Slater, Bradford Council c/o City Hall, Bradford