SIR - Tory attempts to portray Ed Miliband as in the pocket of Alex Salmond is “fundamentally stupid” and will not scare voters, Scotland’s former First Minister said on Sunday, March 29.

Mr Salmond told the SNP’s spring conference in Glasgow that neither Labour nor the SNP were being harmed by Conservative attacks on the possibility of a post-election deal between the two parties.

He told around 3,000 delegates during a question-and-answer session at the conference “you should never, ever put your political opponents on your posters, not because it is dreadful but because it’s stupid.

“I don’ think it’s doing Labour any harm and I don’t think it’s doing us any harm whatsoever”. But SNP deputy leader Stewart Hogie moved to distance the party from Labour in the conference’s closing address.

Max Hey, Fairway Grove, Bradford