SIR – Mr Finan asserts that support for UKIP has been falling and that organisers within the party are already anticipating failure and seeking to lay blame elsewhere (Letters, April 4).

It was obvious to anybody with a modicum of understanding that voting patterns will be different in a General Election than in European elections, and within this context it is not surprising that UKIP has not been able to maintain past support levels.

However, as the day of the elections draw nearer, support will rise again. The electorate will realise that if an early referendum is to be held on our membership of the EU, UKIP would have to win sufficient seats to hold the balance of power in a hung parliament, preferably with the Conservative Party being the largest in the house.

Mr Finan’s extremely negative view of UKIP is at variance with those of many other people, who welcome the emergence of a new force in British politics.

Alec Suchi, Allerton Road, Allerton