SIR – Fancy making a splash to get fit and raise funds for a great cause? Well here’s your chance.

As a warm supporter of charity Diabetes UK, I’m inviting you to jump right in and take on its Swim 22 Challenge!

Whether swimming is a new hobby or you’re a pro, simply pop down to your local pool, get your goggles on, and swim a total of 22 miles – the equivalent of swimming across the English Channel – by Friday, May 22, and ask your family and friends to sponsor you.

You have plenty of time, so can swim at your own pace. As well as getting fit, you’ll be raising funds to help tackle the fastest-growing health threat of our time – 3.8 million people live with diabetes and another 11.5 million people in the UK are at high risk of developing Type 2 diabetes.

Swimming is a great way of keeping physically active, which is really important for maintaining a healthy weight and so reducing your risk of Type 2 diabetes.

And people who already have diabetes can manage their condition through getting plenty of exercise and eating healthily.

Sign up now and see hints and tips at:

Sharron Davies MBE, Former Olympic swimming champion and BBC poolside presenter