SIR – I think Mr Hindle (Letters, April 1) has reinvented me. He first placed me in the top one per cent of wealthy people (if only), now he is saying I am nurtured on a daily basis by millionaire propagandists in Fleet Street.

To correct him, the only paper I buy daily is the T&A, hardly a hotbed of invented glib Tory buzz words (another false accusation).

My political opinions are based as an 88th year student in the university of life where every Labour government since the Second World War has left the country in a financial mess. Remember last time when Liam Byrne departed leaving a card saying “there’s no money left”.

Mr Hindle is wildly clutching at straws if he expects us to believe that the resultant bombing following the Charlie Hebdo attack is the cause of the French financial meltdown. Even the left-leaning BBC report that Britain is on the right track and Yorkshire is creating more jobs than the whole of France.

The French decline is solely due to the union-dominated dead hand of socialism. Nothing else.

Geoffrey Holmes, The Grove, Idle