SIR – We are being told not to block A&E by going to your own doctors. Maybe someone should inform doctors’ surgeries. I fell ill last week and put off going to the doctor; by Monday I could no longer cope with the pain (I have an ongoing illness).

Friends insisted they should take me to the BRI but I said I did not want to block the system up and would go to my doctors’ on Tuesday. I eventually got to my doctors’ at lunch time. I asked if it was possible to see a doctor that afternoon to be told no doctors were available.

I said I would sit in the surgery. After a lot of coming back to me with different ideas, eg why didn’t I go to A&E?, they eventually agreed. I ended up being admitted to ward 20, the surgical team, and then transferred to ward 21.

I came home on Friday and in the T&A was an article telling people that doctors were open over the bank holiday and to go there and not A&E.

What is the point of trying not to block A&E when you can’t get an appointment to see a doctor?

Heather Green, Clifford Drive, Menston