SIR – Iain Morris’ letter (T&A, March 30) regarding nuisance calls, seems I’m not alone when receiving withheld numbers or ones that begin with 0100, 0341 but the best one was recently 0000 00000.

Re-dialling this, “number not recognised”. How did they do this, who are they, why are they pestering us every evening? I’ve even had one at 3am.

My mother-in-law is very ill. Thinking it is her or someone from the emergency services. It’s always someone with a foreign accent. Other times it’s either someone trying to sell insurance or double glazing. I’m even asked if I’m the home owner. I’ve now got into the habit of telling them the house is rented.

I’m sick of it all, informed BT to put a stop to it or I disconnect the line and use mobiles instead. I advise everyone not to be taken in by this, if you have a display on your phones don’t answer it. Let the answering machine take a message. If they don’t speak you know it’s not a friend or relative.

B Barraclough, New Works Road, Low Moor