SIR – NO support from Government to keep Kellingley Colliery open is not a surprise to most. Although the grounds for this, ie, little value to the taxpayer are spurious to say the least.

As when did taxpayer value ever come into the equation? For example, the Foreign Aid Budget or House of Lords, the Scottish Parliament and Welsh Assembly, Police commissioners, invading Iraq or bombing Libya and a lot more besides, especially MPs employing relatives at public expense on salaries quite disproportionate to the menial work done.

But that apart, as the closure of Kellingley may not happen before the end of this year, yet the General Election takes place in just a few weeks, isn’t this a golden opportunity for Labour to show solidarity with the workers and make helping the miners a clear manifesto promise if they win.

Labour leader Ed Miliband, Shadow Chancellor Ed Balls and his wife Pontefract MP Yvette Cooper, now is your chance to put your money where your mouths are, to not only help keep miners in work but secure our energy supplies instead of them being dependent on imported coal.

D S Boyes, Upper Rodley Lane, Leeds