SIR – As one who does not hesitate to criticise Bradford, it pleases me to be able to turn the coin and relate a most enjoyable day last Saturday.

It started by my taking a party of seven ladies to the Civic Society’s arranged tour of the Sunbridge Wells which have the potential to be a unique and brilliant enhancement to Bradford’s image.

This was followed by attending Alan Hall’s book launch at the Midland which the Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress graced with their presence.

The Midland is one of our last bastions of gracious living and Bradford owes a permanent debt to John and Josie Pennington who rescued it from demolition and refurbished to the original classical style.

Lunch was at the Bradford Brewery where the service, ambiance,beer and especially the pies were excellent.

In the evening, together with my friend and granddaughter, went to the Media Museum to see the newly released fashion related film Dior and I, but the image was tarnished as at 8.30 the cafe was closed, in the deserted bar two single gin and tonics cost over £10 and 293 of the 300 cinema seats were empty.

It is apparent that there is still something seriously wrong with the Media Museum, but in spite of such shortfalls it may be that at last Bradford is on the verge of getting there.

John Pashley, Westcliffe Avenue, Baildon