SIR – The Conservative leadership have, so far, steadfastly refused to officially state where their planned £12 billion of welfare cuts will be coming from.

Yet the BBC has made public a civil service leak to them which may give us a bit of a clue as to what is planned. It appears senior Conservatives have already asked civil servants to draw up secret plans for swingeing cuts to certain benefits.

These include axing disability benefits such as Disability Living Allowance (DLA), personal independence payments and Attendance Allowance (for over 65s who have personal care needs). Carer’s Allowance is also earmarked as needing to be restricted.

A spokesperson for Conservative Work & Pensions Secretary, Iain Duncan Smith (pictured), has responded by saying , “ This is ill informed and inaccurate speculation.”

However, this response falls far short of completely denying that such measures would take place in the event of a Tory Government.

This leak is no doubt very inconvenient and embarrassing to the Conservative party in the manner in which they wish to present themselves to potential voters during an election campaign.

But I would ask, are these cuts fair? Is this what most people want to see happening?

David Hornsby, West View Avenue, Wrose