SIR – I was admitted to Ward 28 of the BRI on March 16 for a knee replacement operation under the care of Mr Taggart and his team and I would like, through your column, to say a very big thank you for the care, attention and patience shown by all the nurses, physios and staff connected with that ward.

Although often rushed off their feet, the nurses were always attentive and extremely caring and physios always had a smile on their faces and this helped when doing painful exercises.

The friendliness and caring nature also extended to the people who did the tea trolley and also the cleaners. I must say the treatment received on Ward 28 was second-to-none.

The only downside to my stay on the ward I regret to say was the food which did not cater for people who don’t like curries, chilli and the like. Just one day was roast pork and that was palatable.

Well done everyone on Ward 28.

Sylvia Morgan, Ascot Drive, Bradford