SIR – IF you want to drive in Bradford as fast as you like, uninsured, untaxed and on your mobile phone then Barkerend Road is the road for you. There are no speed cameras and no APR.

You like jumping red lights even when children are crossing? Overtaking at high speed? Driving the wrong way round traffic islands? Parking on the pavements or driving across them? Ignoring pedestrians on a zebra crossing? Driving into the Keep Clear? Cutting up the inside of cars turning left? Joyriding? Barkerend Road is good for all of that. After a recent fatal crash it emerged that the police do have a camera on the road. It just does not record anything. However be very careful not to park in the wrong place.

It is hardly surprising that Bradford East is among the worst constituencies in the country for road crashes. Nothing is going to change here until there is some enforcement. Pictures of children appealing to the goodwill of drivers is not going to work where there is no goodwill.

I have not seen any police traffic enforcement for over seven years. If you do ask the police they will say cameras are a council matter.

Dale Barton, Barkerend Road, Bradford