SIR – The local and national elections come at a critical time for us all. All elections are important, but these are perhaps more important than any in recent years.

Do we want five more years of austerity and social and economic injustice? Do we want more government cuts to our council services? Do we want a more privatised health service? Do we want more congested roads and more expensive buses and trains? Do we want more carbon pollution and the climate change it causes?

I don’t think so. Bradford District’s Green parties are now four times bigger than they were a year ago. Thousands of Bradfordians want to restore our public services, protect the NHS and reform our economy. They are rejecting the failed politics of the coalition and want to build a fairer society. They want a government that will make the transition that we need to a sustainable, low-carbon future.

At 10am this Saturday, in Forsters Deli by City Park, Bradford Greens will launch our 2015 election campaign. Our members and supporters are most welcome to join us on the day and help us to change the politics of Britain.

Cllr Kevin Warnes (Green, Shipley), Chair, Bradford District Green Party, Moorhead Terrace, Shipley