SIR – What typical, ill-thought-out, fact-twisting leftist propaganda from my old mate Christopher Hindle, (“Why Labour used private care”, Letters, March 21).

Chris, do you really expect private health companies to form when needed by Labour; rush to their aid then quietly disappear. We truly believe you when you claim that all public services, (or what was left of them), were decimated when Blair came to power.

“And lo, He sweepeth away all the wicked Thatcher’s reforms and put the world to rights”

(Except he didn’t). And current, unprecedented demand, is something a health service would take in its stride under Labour?

“Yea verily, just as they hath dealt with queues in days of yore!”

(By financing private health) “...and the lame shall walk, and the blind shall see!”

Do give it a rest Chris!

John Hall, Pennithorne Avenue, Baildon