SIR – Most people agree that benefit fraud is wrong and that efforts are justified to locate people who abuse the welfare system and deal with them appropriately.

However, recently the Channel 4 investigative TV programme, ‘Dispatches,’ focused its attention on how the Department of Work And Pensions (DWP) is punishing many people who are genuinely claiming benefits with sanctions which cut off income they are dependent on, plunging them into major difficulties.

On the programme, two ex-employees from JobCentre Plus claimed staff there were constantly pressurised to meet artificial targets for ‘sanctioning’ people ie temporarily cutting off claimants’ benefits when they fail to fulfil a set ‘task.’

A member of the charity Crisis commented: “Benefit sanctions are withdrawing income from people at a point where many are struggling to cope with living costs anyway. Essentially, it’s kicking people when they’re down.”

David Hornsby, West View Avenue, Wrose