SIR – A while back I wrote about a very crafty political device dreamed up by the so-called government “Spin Doctors” – political correctness.

What we all aspire to in this country of ours is true democracy and freedom of speech, which we can all enjoy now thanks to the demise of political correctness.

On page eight of the T&A (Friday, January 9) we see the headline: A&E elderly ‘add to NHS pressure,’ says David Cameron.

Yes, to a degree it is true that us older end are putting a degree of strain on mainstream services such as healthcare, transport services, etc.

It is becoming politically fashionable now though to blame pressure on public services on the elderly and to ignore other factors.

I believe the other issues putting intolerable strain on services, like healthcare, education, prisons, etc, are immigration, immigration and immigration.

Terry Tordoff, Calderstone Avenue, Buttershaw