SIR – Cllr Roger Taylor (Con) (Letters, Jan 13) has obviously been reading too much of the cart-loads of propaganda currently emanating from Tory Central Office.

He has the unmitigated gall to suggest that all is going well for UK plc, and suggests that the fact we are not feeling the financial benefits of the great ‘Tory Renaissance’ in the North is a purely regional anomaly.

A few facts: notwithstanding the Tory claims for the economy, any GDP increase has been achieved on the back of a massive (£800billion in five years) increase in Government borrowing by this shameless.

Coalition shower, and a corresponding exhortation for the ordinary people to ‘borrow and spend’ money they do not have. (Oh! and of course the recent Tory decision to now count the proceeds of prostitution and drug-dealing towards GDP.)

The timeless Tory ploy of ‘encouraging the plebs into debt’ is a Victorian mill-owner device which produces the seemingly timeless outcome of cowing individuals to the point where they will stand for coal breaking over their heads while they wring their their caps and say ‘Thank ‘e, Sir’ for their pathetic zero hours, agency, part-time or self-employed, jobs. Not for much longer.

Christopher Hindle, Osterley Drive, Bradford