SIR - That Bradford’s cabbies face a tougher English language test (T&A, January 2) is long overdue.

It is ridiculous that some drivers who have lived here for years, or were even born here, cannot speak English very well.

If they were really intent on integrating properly, then surely they should be able to speak English very fluently, and possibly with a Yorkshire accent rather than a heavy Asian one?

It was concerning to read that some taxi drivers did not agree with this proposal. No wonder there is a problem, perceived or not.

I must say that I totally agree with Stuart Hastings of the Keighley Private Hire Association, that we need a much wider tightening of the rules, such as a higher minimum age for drivers, and a lower maximum age for cars as well as a clamp down on taxis registered elsewhere.

All very necessary steps for the future, as should be the poor dress sense of some, which does not help the image of our city.

Bob Watson, Springfield Road, Baildon