SIR – At the Overview and Scrutiny Committee which considered Professor Wood’s report on Bradford Education, I said that I was not accusing anyone of a cover up – agreeing in advance with Councillor Jeanette Sunderland and the Leader of the Council. However, because “Confronting the brutal facts” lost the word “brutal” and Professor Woods’ half-page list of the figures was omitted in the summary, I said it was a “dilution”. I asked the City Solicitor for the full report over the weekend and by mid-morning on the Monday it duly appeared. When we met the following evening some of us were looking at the full report and some simply the summary.

This is no way to treat a Scrutiny Committee charged with overseeing the Council’s services for children and young people. I can confidently say that all my colleagues on the committee would have been quite capable of digesting an 18-page report in the agenda (including those wishing to do their homework over the weekend!) so why the shenanigans over this report?

Councillor Geoff Reid, (Liberal Democrat, Eccleshill), Woodfield Close, Bradford