SIR – The sun is shining as I write this and like many of you who enjoy their gardens my thoughts are turning to gardening.

The collection of green waste from my garden has been very useful because I have generated at least six or seven bags each collection!

I am disgruntled that the new brown bins to be provided by Bradford Council will not meet my needs and as I have received complaints from residents in my ward, there are those of you who agree.

The new bins are better on health and safety grounds for the people who collect them, but these costly bins will be woefully inadequate, in terms of capacity, recycling, and in meeting the needs of council tax payers.

In Wharfedale ward, many of us have gardens and the council tax bands reflect this!

For many, a small garden waste bin will not suffice and I expect it may lead to less garden waste being recycled because some people have no way to transport their excess to the ‘tips’ and some of it may end up in the general waste bins.

We may be able to purchase extra bins, if we have room to store them and they are not too costly – but how many bins per household will the Council empty if we buy more? Questions I shall be seeking answers to.

For me it’s about what I can reasonably expect in return for my council tax, my wish to see as much garden waste as possible recycled and whether this policy of bins versus bags was adequately considered and will save money and be environmentally friendly in the long run?

Councillor Jackie Whiteley, Wharfedale Ward