SIR – The recent comments attributed to Prince Charles, comparing Russian President Putin to Hitler, are indefensible and worse, show the sayer to be extremely badly flawed in judgement.

As a republican, I usually avoid criticisms of royal personalities, preferring to concentrate my arguments against the institution of unelected, unaccountable head of state. But in this case I make an exception.

Prince Charles is renowned for crossing the line of political neutrality, making his views known in speeches and in letters to government ministers.

Sometimes, I admit I’ve agreed with some of his opinions with regard to green issues. Nevertheless, the principle of royal non-interference should be paramount and should always be upheld, whatever the issue.

The Second World War, in which the Soviet Union lost 27 million in their ‘great patriotic war against fascism’, fighting on the Allied side, still remains a very raw subject for all Russians.

The Prince’s comments (even if he thought he was speaking off the record) will be viewed as more than deeply offensive to the Russian people and are unlikely to be forgotten.

President Putin may indeed be deserving of criticism for some of his views, actions or inaction in his domestic and foreign policies, but the description by Prince Charles was unmerited.

Further, the heir to the throne has once again shown himself to be a highly-questionable future head of state for this country.

David Hornsby, West View Avenue, Wrose