SIR – I would like to make your readers aware that this week is Action for Brain Injury Week.

A crucial aim of the campaign is drawing awareness to this silent epidemic and the issues facing people with acquired brain injury.

It is estimated that around 40,000 children in the UK sustain a brain injury each year.

Acquired brain injury can be caused by something such as a road accident, a fall or an illness like meningitis and can have major, long-lasting consequences.

Brain injury is often described as a ‘hidden disability’ because many children show no outward signs and yet struggle to cope with long-term, unseen problems with memory, communication and behaviour.

The Children’s Trust is the UK’s leading charity for children with brain injury. We provide rehabilitation and support to children and families from across the country.

Our site is a source of practical advice for parents and we also publish a range of books to help explain brain injury to children.

Please spread the word about our resources so that we can help more young people living with the long-term effects of acquired brain injury.

Dalton Leong, chief executive of The Children’s Trust