SIR – Most people are aware of the two policies that UKIP and its leader highlight at each and every opportunity and which get huge amounts of publicity. These appear to have struck a chord with some voters and led to a forecast of the party doing well at the up-coming European Elections. But what of their other policies?

Potential supporters may be shocked to discover that UKIP favours a flat-rate income tax where all pay the same, rather than as at present where the rate depends on your income – the more you earn, the higher the rate you pay.

Then there’s the matter of climate change, which basically the party sees, despite the evidence, as not caused by man-made activity, so they regard seeking green solutions as a waste of time and money.

UKIP, as a party of the ‘right’, also favours privatisation and plenty of it, preferring to see public-sector jobs disappear in the process. And where women are concerned, their views are the polar opposite of ‘progressive’ as the party favours abolishing maternity pay!

Added to this, slashing the NHS budget, abolishing inheritance tax for the rich and cutting corporation tax for big businesses and you get a pretty good idea where UKIP stands politically.

Leader, Nigel Farage talks of potential voters, “joining the people’s army” but scratching below the surface and looking at what they favour in more detail, reveals that the interests of ordinary people are not really their main concern.

David Hornsby, West View Avenue, Wrose