SIR – Brian Holmans is perfectly entitled to express his opinion of Tony Benn (Letters March 27), but he did rather manipulate the facts and leave out details which seems unfair.

Anyone who seeks public office and goes on to achieve high office in Government can be criticised as ‘pompous and self-opinionated’.

It is inaccurate to state Mr Benn did not campaign on ‘injustices (such as) substandard housing, inadequate diet and meagre wages’.

His ‘socialist principles’ were genuine as borne out by his innumerable political adversaries who disagreed profoundly with his views but have never accused him of hypocrisy. He was elected MP many times in Bristol and Chesterfield over 50 years and this surely wouldn’t have happened if he was insincere.

On the matter of Labour being out of office for 16 years, it is possible Tony Benn’s views alienated certain voters, but all politicians alienate some voters. The reason is more likely to have been a combination of factors, including the founding of the SDP which undoubtedly split the Labour vote.

Finally, surely it is the right of everyone to be called their name of choice. Yes, Tony Benn was borne into a peerage, but he renounced it and gave up his middle name because that was his choice.

David Hornsby, West View Avenue, Wrose