SIR – The recent news regarding cases of large scale fraud within the NHS is shocking and sad.

There are huge numbers of people employed in the NHS at many levels providing care and medical attention and most of these are focused on doing a good job, meeting people’s medical needs.

Many of these do a difficult job well and some work extremely long hours. They are honest and dedicated to a job that requires a certain vocation for it to be done successfully. These are people who have integrity and are no doubt as shocked and sickened as the general public at the revelations of impropriety, which will unfortunately reflect on them, too.

Nevertheless, it is clear that some employees within the NHS have behaved in a criminal manner, exploiting the positions of trust which they hold.

All, particularly those who support the NHS from the outside, will wish to see investigations take place and those guilty of transgressions brought to account.

I would also say that anyone found guilty of defrauding the NHS should never be allowed to work within it again.

David Hornsby, West View Avenue, Wrose