SIR – In the matter of the Bulls administration, I understand that season ticket holders are technically creditors. They therefore have a genuine interest in the administration process and a right to be kept informed.

My chief concern, as a season ticket holder, is that the administrator obtains best value for the business as a going concern.

It seems to me that this is best achieved through a fair and equitable bidding process with pre-stated uniform conditions applied to each of the bidding parties. But, judging by the reports in the media, this is clearly not happening.

In as far as I can tell, season ticket holders collectively have a significant interest in the business but have not been invited to a creditors meeting to approve the administration; nor are they represented in the process; nor are they being kept informed.

There is also the matter of the involvement of the RFL. Unless they are creditors, their sole role should be to set out (prior to the invitations to tender) the criteria that the administrator uses in order to determine if a bid meets the requirements to qualify for the Super League licence.

The bidders and, irrespective of the legal niceties, the season ticket holders, supporters and people of Bradford deserve a fair and transparent process. We are not getting one.

Chris Morley, Aireville Crescent, Bradford