SIR – Gateway Community Centre on Ravenscliffe has received Heritage Lottery Funding to research the origins of the estate. We believe that it was one of the first Garden Estates in Bradford built in the 1920s as a response to the ‘Home Fit For Heroes’ speech by Lloyd George.

We’re asking past residents and other members of the public for their stories about work, rest and play related to the estate’s development so that we can build up a picture. We know it was an aspirational place to move to from other parts of Bradford. We’re sure that there will be people who have stories, perhaps of their parents/ grandparents who lived there, or pictures and memorabilia in a box somewhere.

The project is to uncover Ravenscliffe’s hidden history and the stories of people who lived and worked there – and our initial research shows that its history is very hidden as local archives shed little light on its development.

If people have stories or memorabilia they would like to share – especially a map from between 1921 and 1933, we would be delighted to hear from them.

They can contact me, the Heritage Project Co-ordinator at irene.lofthouse@btopen or via the Gateway Centre number (01274) 636602.

Irene Lofthouse, The Gateway, Thackeray Road, Ravenscliffe